Whale watching from Húsavík began back in 1995 when North Sailing launched its first whale watching boat. Since then, whale watching from Húsavík has become one of the most popular activities of visitors to Iceland increasing year by year.
In the beginning Minke whale was the most commonly sighted whale on our whale watching tours from Húsavík but over the years more whale species have entered the bay increasing the diversity in whale sightings.
Today the enormous Humpback whale with its giant flippers and incredible acrobatics is one of the most popular whale to spot, observe and photograph.
Whale watching from Húsavík also offers a chance to observe fantastic birdlife and natural scenery. There are two islands in the bay, Lundey (Puffin Island) and Flatey (Flat Island), where a lot of birds nest. Therefore the birdlife is colourful, puffins, arctic terns, guillemots, gannets and more are frequently seen during the tours. The beautiful mountains at the western part of the bay, called Víknafjöll, make a visit to the bay even more worth while.