The whale festival goes on!

The perfect whale watching conditions here in Skjálfandi Bay continued also today and on both tours we could enjoy some really nice and close-up views of humpback and minke whales. Especially the afternoon tour started really well with a feeding frenzy just minutes after we had left the harbour: Three minke whales feeding among hundreds…

Beautiful weather and plenty of whales

Today was another absolutely wonderful day in Skjálfandi Bay! We saw four different species during the morning tour: humpback whale, minke whale, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises and also the afternoon tour was hard to top: there were just whales everywhere!   In total there were four different humpback whales and 2 or 3 minke…

Three species today

We left the harbour at 10:00 and set the course towards Lundey, the puffin island. South-west of the island, we had a really nice encounter with a group of about 8-10 white-beaked dolphins. We enjoyed the dolphins for a while, before we took a closer look at Lundey. Close to Lundey, we saw thousands of…

Beautiful weather, but no whales

Today we had beautiful weather here in Skjálfandi Bay: The sun was shining and the sea was much calmer than yesterday. We left the harbour onboard “Náttfari” with 16 passengers full of hope. We started the tour with a visit to Lundey, the puffin island. After some nice bird watching we went further west, towards…

The Humpbacks are back!

We left the harbour this morning full of hope to find the minke whale from yesterday again, but even though we were scanning the area very carefully, we were not rewarded. We saw several harbour porpoises, the smallest whales in the North Atlantic, and after searching a very big area, we were finally rewarded with…

Dolphins and a minke whale

Today was the first day of summer here in Iceland. At 10:00 we left the harbour in nice sea conditions and we started our search along the east coast, sailing towards Lundey, the puffin island. We came across a lot of seabirds (not only puffins, also fulmars, guillemots and some other species), but we didn’t…

The Search

Trip #5 began with much anticipation…we tried really hard to locate the Minke-Whale we have seen yesterday…the weather was again “Icelandic” but it shows that our “April-passengers” are well aware of the weather conditions in this time of the year. All well prepared clothing-wise we headed out and faced the cold wind and drizzle. This…


Trip #4… In good spirit on our trustworthy KNÖRRINN we saild out again. The weather still cold, a bit rainy, and very, very Icelandic:-) Passengers dressed well for the weather and were also provided of course with our Overalls and rain-coats. Once again a cold wid in the face we headed out and it took…

On we go…

The 3rd trip of th season…the weather has changed. it is getting more windy and colder again. well, just a typical Icelandic April:-) Today we used our good old boat KNÖRRINN for the first time again. To the delight ofg our passengers, once again a larger group of Harbor Porpoises were showing up, quite nicely…

Sailing again!

Today we went out at 10 o´clock after two days of bad weather. There are southerly winds in the charts until Sunday afternoon so hopefully we´ll be able to take out adventerous passengers to see the whales in Skjálfandi Bay during the next days.   We´ll post some news about today´s tour later today.  …