Humpbacks, Minkes and a Blue Whale!
We have had a fantastic whale watching day here in Skjálfandi Bay today: The weather was very nice, the sea really flat and we encountered several species of big baleen whales during the day:
During the tours at morning and early afternoon, there was a big feeding party going on in the north-western party of the bay with hundreds of seabirds, two humpback whales and at least six or seven minke whales!
Later during the afternoon, on our tour at 17:00, we went again towards the area, but did not see any feeding seabirds, and instead of the minke whales, we found at least four different humpback whales, one of them was breaching completely out of the water right next to our boat!!!
And as this was not enough, we also encountered a blue whale, the biggest animal on earth, on this tour!
Fingers crossed that the humpbacks and the blue whale will stay in the bay for a little while! 😉
Christian, guide