Bad conditions for whale watching
Today we had a lot of waves and the wind was blowing strongly. We found one humpback whale but found it hard to get close to it due to the weather.
We cancelled the first tour of the day because of bad weather conditions. The weather was a bit better in the afternoon so we decided on going out. We got all of the people some warm overalls and raincoats. The water was splashing over the boat and the wind was cold. After about an hour and a quarter we spotted a blow some distance from the boat. We tried to get closer to it but it was quite difficult because we had to go against the waves. We tried for another hour but the whale never surfaced close enough and that made it hard to get a good look at it since the weather was not helping at all.
On the way back we served some hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls to warm up the passengers.
Three of our passengers enjoying a cup of hot chocolate.
In the end we decided to offer our passengers a return ticket which means they are able to join us again for free. Even though we did find a whale nobody got a very good look at it and some of the passengers didn’t see it at all. We hope they will join us again one day for a better sighting.
Þóra Katrín – guide