The year of the breaching humpback whales in Húsavík
All eyes were on the small town of Húsavík this year when the childhood friends, Lars and Sigrit, made their debut in the hilarious movie Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga.

Are the breaching humpback whales real?
In an early scene, the couple is standing down by Húsavík harbour when two humpback whales suddenly breach out of the sea with a marvellous show! Yes, we have to admit that this particular jump looks a bit fake, and most likely it is. Just like most things in this movie that by nature, doesn’t take itself very seriously. The irony of it all is that breaching of humpback whales is actually common in Skjálfandi Bay and has happened frequently during our whale watching tours in the last 25 years!

Swimming in the spotlight
But this breach at the beginning of the movie was probably seen by more people than have witnessed a breaching humpback whale in Skjálfandi Bay ever before. So one can indeed say that 2020 can be known as the year of the breaching humpback whales in Húsavík, swimming in the spotlight of the surreal world of Eurovision.

What did Will Ferrell get right in the movie?
BBC did a great article on how Will Ferrell’s Eurovision movie gets most things in the film totally wrong. One of the two things that they find surprisingly accurate is that breaching humpback whales can often be seen in Skjálfandi Bay. To prove themselves right, of course, they link directly to North Sailing’s website where people can see amazing footage of a breaching humpback! Followed by a record visits to the homepage once again our dear humpbacks were the stars of the show.
Greetings from the humpback whales: Húsavík – my hometown
If you haven’t already, we highly recommend that you watch The Story of Fire Saga over the holidays. Inspired by the movie, we have created a short tribute featuring our very best shots of breaching humpback whales in Húsavík.
2020 a year to remember
Whether you want to see where the song Jaja Ding Dong was first played, attempt to witness breaching humpback whales on our whale watching tours or just stroll around town, Húsavík, our hometown and the whale capital of Iceland, is definitely the place to be.
We promise we’re gentle people 🙂
2020 is definitely a year to remember on so many levels. Thank you to all our passengers, followers, and partners. Thank you, Will Ferrell, thank you Eurovision. Takk!

Merry Christmas from Team North Sailing
Team North Sailing sends you all good wishes for the holidays. May the new year bring you new adventures. See you all next year!
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