Logbook 1998
Sightings Húsavík 1998
In the summer of 1998 whales were spotted in 428 out of 434 tours = 98,6%.
In total, seven species were spotted: Harbour porpoises, White-beaked dolphins, Minke whales, Killer whales, Fin whales, Sei whales and Humpback whales.
Summary 1998 |
Minke whale in 338 of 434 | 78% |
White-beaked dolphins in 245 of 434 | 40% |
Humpback whales in 143 of 434 | 33% |
Harbour porpoises in 88 of 434 | 20% |
Sei whales in 16 of 434 | 3,7% |
Fin whales in 2 of 434 | 0,5% |
Killer whales in 1 of 434 | 0.25% |
Total: 428 of 434 | 98,6% |
Please note: When it comes to calculating the success rate of trips, different companies have different methods, some more credible than others. As a rule of thumb, North Sailing’s crews count trip as “unsuccessful” if nothing bigger than porpoises is seen during the tour. Also if for some reasons conditions to spot the whales are that hard that not every passenger sees the whales we do not count those trips as successful.