A sunny day in Skjálfandi bay
Yesterday the northerly wind blew up in the morning so we had to cancel the trips for saturday. But today, sunday, the weather was just wonderful!
We headed out on our boat Bjössi Sör, and as always after a stormy day it was exiting to see what the wild nature would bring to us this fine morning. The sun was lighting up the beautiful mountains of Kinn, which are now decorated in autumn colours.
Captain Hrólfur took the course towards the area he thought was most likely to be lively, and his sense was right, like most of the time. A minke whale came up real close to the boat, making crew and passengers very pleased.
In our second trip we didn’t find the minke whale again, but we got lucky anyways because we spotted a humpback whale! It was a individual I have not seen before in the bay and it was quite calm and easy to approach. We could easily see the white flippers right under the surface of the water and hear the powerful blow…phfissshh and before a deep dive, the famous fluke lift with majestic elegance!
/guide Hildur