Humpbacks and minkes still around
Both yesterday and today we have seen two species of baleen whales, the humpback whale and the minke whale. On yesterday’s tour we first saw a minke whale and got some really nice views at it, before we continued sailing and trying to find the humpback whales, that we had seen a couple of days ago (bad weather prevented us from going out on Monday and Tuesday).
It took a little while, but finally we were rewarded with some close-up views at a humpback whale. It was one of the whales that had been here on Sunday, and actually this individual was our old friend, that had also been here in Skjálfandi Bay for several weeks in August.
Today we left the harbour in hope to find him again and after about 20 minutes, we saw our first minke whale. But soon we realized that there was not only one, but at least three or four minke whales in the area. A really nice surprise, as it is quite uncommon to see so many minke whales at this time of the year. We got quite close to two of these minke whales and saile further out, into the area where the humpback had been yesterday. But instead of finding the humpback, we found another minke whale.
On the way back we then passed the area again, where we saw all the minke whales before and we were just following one of them, when we spotted a powerful blow: A humpback whale, not too far away from the boat! It was another individual than yesterday and even though it was a bit difficult in the beginning, we finally got some nice views at him before we set the course back towards Húsavík. We arrived a bit late, but everybody was happy with the tour.
Christian, guide