Whale Watching May: The humpback whales are here!
Visiting Iceland in May? Go whale watching! Humpback whales have arrived in Húsavík, making the whale watching even more lively! Being playful creatures, Humpback whales can often be seen breaching out of the water and whirling around. It’s a real feast for the eyes!
In addition to Humpback whales, Minke whales and Dolphins have been really common in the last few days. The latter two have been here for many weeks, and not going anywhere! Húsavík is famous for being one of the best places in Iceland to go whale watching, so if you’re going whale watching in Iceland you should visit Húsavík!
Additionally, there are a lot of puffins in Húsavík. Over 200,000 to be exact! Puffins are understandably a huge attraction. Have you seen them? They’re magnificent to watch!

How Good is the Whale Watching in May?
The whale watching in May is fantastic. Particularly since the Humpback whale has arrived. Now, more and more whale species are arriving in the bay making Húsavík more attractive with each passing day.
Not only are more whale species coming in but more and more whales in general. Yesterday, for example, we spotted a pod of seven really playful humpback whales!

Available Whale Watching Tours in Húsavík in May
We offer a wide range of tours for whale watching in May, see our timetable to get a good overview. In addition to our Húsavík Original Whale Watching tour, we offer Whales & Puffin Watching and Carbon-Neutral Whale Watching tours.
Depending on what you prefer, you can choose between a regular whale watching tour, a whale watching and puffin tour, and a carbon-neutral whale watching tour on a boat fully powered by electricity!

Book Your Whale Watching Tour Online!
It’s easy to book your Húsavík whale watching tour online. It’s only a few clicks away!