Northern Bottlenose Whales in Húsavík for the First Time in Years!
Northern bottlenose whales spotted in Húsavík for the first time in years. It’s always a pleasant surprise when old friends pay us a visit in the Whale Capital of Iceland!
Northern bottlenose whales prefer deep waters and are therefore uncommon in Skjálfandi bay. However, we were lucky enough to spot them for two days in a row last week! The Whale Capital of Iceland is known for the many whale species found in the bay, which will hopefully continue for years to come! It’s definitely the best place in Iceland to see whales, i.e. whale species.

What Makes the Northern Bottlenose Whale Special?
Northern bottlenose whales reach up to 7-10 meters in length and weigh as much as 7,5 tons. Unlike most other whales though, it has a brownish colour. This peculiar brown colour makes it easily distinguishable from other whale species.
However, as previously mentioned, northern bottlenose whales are deep divers. Therefore they prefer deep waters to bays and inlets, where they can stay submerged. Because of this, they’re difficult to spot as they can stay out of sight for such a long time. Beside sperm whales, northern bottlenose whales can stay submerged for the longest. Amazingly, they can reach more than an hour submerged underwater.
However, they are curious animals. Therefore, they often spend a few minutes on the surface before diving. Luckily, we were fortunate enough to spend a good amount of time with them this time around!

Northern Bottlenose Whales & Blue Whales Two Days in a Row!
In a matter of few days, we spotted three Blue whales and a few Northern bottlenose whales. It was a nice addition to the Humpback whales, Minke whales, and dolphins in the Bay!
If you’re in wondering where to go whale watching in Iceland, look no further. It’s an easy decision. Húsavík is the place to be!

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