Great Whale Watching in Húsavík: Orcas Spotted!
Orcas spotted in Húsavík earlier this week! The whale watching in Húsavík is going great in March. We’ve already spotted plenty of humpback whales and now orcas!
We had an amazing whale watching tour earlier this week when we spotted a few orcas in Skjálfandi bay! After having seen humpback whales for a couple of days in a row, it was a pleasant surprise seeing the iconic orcas approach our boat!
The Whale Watching is Only Going to Get Better!
We were super excited for the new whale watching season like we’ve already mentioned. Although Iceland is always wonderful, it’s extra special at this time of year when the day is finally getting longer. Us Icelanders really appreciate finally seeing the sun again!
To our surprise, there were a lot more whales in Skjálfandi bay then we ever imagined! We had already seen three humpback whales from our office window (!) and been informed that fishermen had spotted half a dozen whales. However, in our first whale watching trip alone almost ten humpback whales were spotted!
Therefore, it’s safe to say that this has been the perfect beginning of the whale watching season, and it’s only going to get better!

Early Visitors: Orcas in Húsavík!
Orcas are rarely seen in the bay and therefore it’s always an unexpected surprise spotting them. Although seldom in Húsavík, they are more common early in the season like other species, e.g. the Blue whale. For that reason, March and April are fantastic for whale watching in Iceland.
Although orcas can be spotted anywhere in Iceland, they tend to stay mostly in the South and West coasts of Iceland. Therefore, spotting the orcas was an extra delight!
Which Whales Will Spot Next Week in Our Whale Watching in Húsavík: Orcas, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales or Blue Whales?
It’s safe to say that we are really excited for the coming weeks. Having already spotted orcas, we can’t wait for the Blue whale to visit Húsavík. The Blue whales are the biggest animals to have ever existed on Earth, reaching up to 30 meters. Last year, the first Blue whales were spotted in March.
It’s always a pleasure spotting Humpback whales and hopefully the minke whales will begin to visit Húsavík as well!

Welcome to Húsavík – the Whale Capital of Iceland!
Húsavík is the Whale Capital of Iceland and rightly so!
With more than 20 years of experience, North Sailing will take you on an unforgettable whale watching tour in the Whale Capital of Iceland!
Check out our tours and book yours today!