So Many Whales in Húsavík Right Now: Perfect For Whale Watching!
There are so many whales in Húsavík right now! We couldn’t have asked for a better beginning of the whale watching season!
The whales have begun to visit Húsavík much earlier than ever before and leave later than before. Now, March seems to be just as ideal for whale watching as October or November, and they were really successful whale spotting months!
And when in the Whale Capital of Iceland, one must go whale watching with North Sailing!
Perfect Beginning of the Whale Watching in Húsavík
Local fishermen had already informed us before the first whale watching tour that there were plenty of whales in Húsavík. Therefore, we crossed our fingers and hoped we would spot some whales in our first whale watching tour of the season. There’s always excitement in the air for the first trip and we waved good-bye as Náttfari sailed on out to the bay.
Little did we know that they would spot whales right away!

Whales, Whales, and More Whales in Húsavík!
It only took a few minutes before spotting the first humpback whales of the season!
The whale watching season begins with a blast!
Whale Watching Húsavík in March: When Should I Go?
We offer our Húsavík Original Whale Watching tour in March every day at 10:30. The Húsavík Original Whale Watching tour has been visitors’ top pick since 1995 and is recommended by thousands of satisfied travelers worldwide.
Whale Watching in Iceland: What Should I Wear?
As you might be aware of, it can get chilly in North Iceland. To secure your comfort onboard, we provide all of our passengers with warm overalls. In addition to being extremely stylish, they’re really warm so you should be good!
It’s however good to keep in mind that more layers are always better than fewer layers!
We also serve our family recipe hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls on the tour, favored by passengers for years now!
March is Looking Great For Whale Watching!
We can’t wait to continue our whale watching adventures in Húsavík. The whale spotting is going great and is only going to get better!