Record-Breaking Whale Watching Summer at North Sailing
Even though it’s not even August yet, we’re in awe of how amazing this summer has been!
Day after day, week after week, month after month have we been so fortunate to witness the admirable wildlife of Skjálfandi Bay. It’s for a reason that Húsavík has been coined the whale watching capital of Iceland!
Watch the Video and See for Yourself
Our frequent visitors the last years have been the humpback whales, minke whales, harbour porpoises and white beaked dolphins. In addition, we’ve been incredibly lucky and spotted the biggest mammals on earth – the blue whale – and orcas quite frequently. The first blue whale of this season was spotted in March, as unbelievable as that sounds. So unbelievable it even made the headlines!

Eco-Friendly Whale Watching
With the addition of our second completely silent electric boat, Andvari, North Sailing is able to quietly sail around Skjálfandi Bay with minimum disturbance to the inhabitants of the sea. Naturally, this silent electric tour has drawn considerable attention and gained utmost praise our passengers who simply can’t seem to get enough – as the tour has been nearly fully booked since late May.

Funny enough, our crew has been asked why we offer ‘silent’ tours and whether the passengers can speak during those tours or not. Even though it’s a silent whale watching tour – i.e. the boat is both electric and completely silent – the passengers don’t need to worry about holding back the ‘WOW’ when the whales start jumping! Our highly qualified and dedicated crew will also provide all the information you need during the tours.

Summer of ’17
It therefore shouldn’t come as a surprise that North Sailing broke a new record this summer! Never have we ever had as many passengers in one day as we did in late July. As the sea was dead calm and the sun was up and shining, our passengers came back with smiles that would last for days as there had been pods of jumping whales! Not a bad day to set a record!
Bryan Adams sang about his remarkable summer of ’69 but at North Sailing we’ll sing about our summer of ’17! We’d always want to be here and these are the best days of our lives – so far! Hopefully this lasts forever.