Hildur is a popular sailing schooner to go whalewatching with. On the tour we set the schooner sail erly in the tour after our visit to puffinisland even if it wasn´t much wind. The sea was like calm. It is good for the stability to have the sail up so the boat don´t role too much in the wawes. We drift aorund in the whales area in the bay and wait for them to come closer to us. We where visited by a humpackwhale and got to follow it around for a while. The whales are intelligent animals and its up to the whale how close it likes to come to the boats. This humpackwhale dived for moore than 7 min everytime but then it came up to the surface again spouting and swiiming calmly around in the bay not to far away fot Hildur and for us to get a nice whalewatching today too.
Victoria, guide