Sleeping humpback and four species!
Good afternoon!
Today was a blast. This morning we had just began sailing out to Skjálfandi Bay when we noticed something black on the surface. I had just began explaining the clock system when a passenger shouted ,,One o´clock! One o´clock!” At first we thought is was a wood or something but then we saw a blow and realized it was a humbpack whale. It was barely moving but as we got closer the humpie moved a little bit – for the next 8-10 minute we watched him slowly rolling around and he didn´t seem to be bothered at all by these guests who just woke him up. But amazing to see and a really good beginning on a wonderful trip. Later on we saw some harbour porpoises, white-beaked dolphins, more humpbacks and some minkies as well. We are very lucky and we have been extremely lucky for the last days 🙂 Until next time,
Sólveig, guide on Garðar
Humpback feeding Beautiful day