March Madness!!!
This morning, as we were cleaning the deck of Náttfarí from yesterday‘s snow, under cats and dogs of rain, with a massive mist over the bay, let‘s say… I wasn‘t very optimistic about our next hours with the guests!
But after only few minutes out, we crossed the path of at least 25 dolphins, some of them having super spectacular behaviours!
When we left them, we stumbled over two fin whales, the second largest whale specie ! And as we waited for them, the dolphins came back again!!! Despite the weather conditions, this was an absolutely crazy tour!
Remember yesterday‘s „Anything can happen“?
A beautiful white beaked dolphin. Is he checking us out…
…Or just showing his gymnastic skills?
The beguinning of a two-headed fin whale ballet, from which we clearly saw the blow holes….
…and the dorsal fins!
So that’s what a 20m long/60 tons heavy fin whale looks like 50 m away from a ship. We can be happy that these (rather large) jewels aren’t hunted anymore in Iceland!
Very excited passengers on the lookout! While in the middle, our guide Ðóra Katrín, here on holliday, doesn’t seem to agree that orange is the new black!