Faithful whale
Like the past few days also today the sky was overcast, creating a quite mysterious atmosphere in the bay: The sea, the sky and even the mountains appeared in greyish colors, enabeling us to spot the surfacing black back of a whale from large distances.
Again we sailed in northwesterly direction and also today we were successful there: One of the humpback whales we ecountered here the previous days seemed to be quite faithful was still in the same area. It took quite long dives for about 15 minutes, but after such a long time the individual spent long periods at the surface to breathe. For a long time it hardly moved but floated at the surface, taking deep breaths and preparing for the next dive, which gave us the chance to approach it carefully and get some very close looks at it. On the way back just in front of the harbor we also spotted some white beaked dolphins – quite a surprise to encounter them so close to Húsavík.
In the afternoon the humpback whale had moved a bit further north and we also came across a big group of harbor porpoises. Suddenly we were surrounded by these small whales which are usually very shy and avoid the boats.
Once again we had a great whale watching day and let’s hope that the faithful humpback whale will stay in our bay even longer!
Luisa, guide
Humpback whale (photo: Luisa Klotz)