Beautiful tours today!
The sea is still flat as a mirror today, and we have been so lucky the last days with both weather and whales. On one of my tours today we saw four species! First we spotted a humpback whale, and then another, and then yet another! They were feeding quite deep, but still so relaxed around us and one of them even waived to us and splashed a bit with its flipper. That was really cool! Then we spotted a minke whale, and it actually came quite close to us, but then we saw two humpacks together, so we sailed towards them. On the way we sailed past two harbor porpoises, but we didn’s stop for a long time, the harbor porpoises are often so shy that they just swim away. When we were enjoying the company of these two humpbacks, we spotted some splashes, wich turned out to be jumping white beaked dolphins! There were SO many of them, we just had to take a closer look. And they continued jumping when we got to them. I couldn’t really count them, they were way to many, but if I were to guess, I would say about a hundred dolphins, maybe more! So that was a beautiful ending to our tour!
I hope the weather and the life in the bay stays like this!
Þorbjörg, guide.