A sleepy humpback and italian kiss!
It was a calm Skjálfandi Bay that welcomed us this morning, after the stormy weather of yesterday. I actually thought it would be more wavy, but still, the sea was calm. And so was the first humpback we encountered! It had probably been asleep just few moments before we arrived, it looked actually very calm, even lazy. Surfacing and just lying dormant, breathing very slowly.
Luckily, for us, it raised the fluke a few times before diving, although the humpback was most definately not feeding in those deep dives.. probably just taking a relaxing dive!
Adding some 50+ white beaked dolphins to the tour and another (a bit more active) humpback made it just a perfect tour out on Skjálfandi Bay.
.. which actually leads me to the second half of the headline.
Most often there are satisfied passengers stepping off board our boats, smiling and giving comments, or even a huge chocolate bar (as one passenger did last week) as to give thanks.
This morning however, there was a very happy italian lady on board, that leaned over to me with one big happy smile on her face, kissing me firmly on the cheek!
As much as I love the guiding and information giving part of my job, I truly love beeing a part of this wonderful experience that whale watching for the first time is (sometimes actually a once in a lifetime experience!), seeing it throught the eyes of the passengers.
Huld, guide