An elusive humpback
Today I went out on an extra trip at eleven o’clock on Haukur with capt. Hjörleifur. When we left the harbour we heard from the other boats that a humpback whale had been spotted quite far north so we immediately started heading north. By the time we got to where the the whale had been we couldn’t find it anywhere. We sailed around for a while and were just about to give up when I spotted the spout from far, far away. We sailed to the whale and managed to show it a few times before we really had to head back to the harbour. Since time was runnin low I headed down to the cabin at once to start preparing the hot chocolate but while I was downstairs the captain managed to find some white-beaked dolphins and the passengers got a show from them while I was preparing the chocolate. We got back to the harbour a little late but the passengers were really satisfied with the trip.
Eiríkur, guide.