Turning point for Schooner Hildur
As the Icelandic team is now leaving Egernsund for Húsavík, Schooner Hildur sees a turning point in her life. For the last few months she has been losing weight as more and more worn oak planks, stanchions and steel parts such as the engine and wheelhouse have been torn off and hauled up on the pier. The ship's documents indicates a dead weight of about 72 tons but she now most likely weighs less than 50 tons.
Now however she'll be gaining weight again as Christians team start to replace around 35 stanchions, gunwale from bow to stern on both boards as well as some planks and deck-planks. Soon she'll be hauled out of the water for the first time since in Húsavík just before the voyage to Denmark. Early in the new year some of the North Sailing team will be returning and working again on this exciting project… that is refitting "Iceland's other schooner"
More later
Hildur has lost a lot of weight!
Inside the engine room
Hörður and Bent.