Humpbacks and Minkes
Skjálfandi Bay is full of whales at the moment. This morning we sailed across the Bay and saw four Humpback whales and six Minke whales close to the mountains of Kinn.
One of the Humpback whales between two of North Sailings boats,
Bjössi Sör and Knörrinn
One of the Humpback whales put up a great show for our passengers and we got very close while it was tail slapping, rolling on its side and then finally jumped five times out of the ocean. Seeing a Humpback whale jump up from the sea is a spectacular sighting and the passengers were absolutely stunned when this beautiful animal came up from the surface and slammed down again.
Humpback whale slapping the long white flippers to the surface
Some of the Minke whales were feeding right underneath the surface and came few times up with their mouth open allowing us to see the baleen plates which are fasten to their upper jaw. Hundreds of sea birds were also feeding in the surface close to the Minke whales, for example Puffins, Arctic Terns,
Black-legged Kittiwakes and Pigeon Guillemots.
Jumping Humpback whale
It´s clearly enough food for both the whales and the birds here in Skjálfandi Bay and it´s very pleasing to see all these animals in good shape here inside the Bay.
These photos were taken by Heimir Harðarson