Whale watching season at an end
The 2005 whale watching season in Húsavík is now at its end. The official schedule ended on the 20th September but after that, we sailed with a few special groups. As soon as the weather gets better the plan is to take a group of children from the local school of Húsavík across the bay on a ‘historic cruise’ that has become an annual event.
With the summer being a very busy time, the winter months are the time when North Sailing staff gets a chance to catch up on important jobs, e.g. maintaining the boats to their top standard, contracting, cooperation project with other local tourism companies, brochure printing, staff training, website updates and many more…
A more detailed report of the 2005 season will be published on the website within the next couple of months.
Below are a few images taken during the summer of 2005.